What Kind of Doctor Should I See?

With exercise-related injuries, you might want to visit someone other than your general practitioner.

The only thing more frustrating than getting hurt is spending time and money to have a doctor tell you to pop a painkiller and stop running. You can avoid this by finding a health-care provider who has experience treating athletes and keeping them on the road.

Here's a guide to finding a specialist who will really listen and will work with you to help keep you active. Depending on your insurance, you may need a referral, so check before you go. And be sure to bring your shoes and training journal. This will help the doctor pinpoint your problem and solve it.

Physicians with added training in sports medicine are often the best place to start, especially for a new problem. Sports docs can give you a comprehensive evaluation that includes diagnostic tests, from blood counts to bone scans to MRIs. They'll help you resolve issues like vitamin deficiencies or exercise-induced asthma, and may refer you to a specialist to rehab injuries such as runner's knee.
Best for: Mystery ailments, fatigue, and health issues affecting your running
Not for: Therapy for an already-diagnosed muscle or joint injury

Orthopedists treat issues affecting the bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, which makes them a smart choice if you have an ongoing pain that acts up during or after a run. See an orthopedist with a sports-medicine specialization who works with athletes to prevent and manage injury. While orthopedists often perform surgery, look for one who is rehab-oriented and operates as a last resort.
Best for: All types of running injuries—muscle strains and pulls, joint pains and sprains, stress fractures
Not for: General health problems (fatigue, anemia, etc.)

Podiatrists specialize in feet. During an exam, they'll check the wear patterns of your running shoes and watch you walk and run to look for biomechanical issues that could be contributing to your injury. Sports podiatrists may recommend a shoe insert or custom-made orthotics.
Best for: Foot and ankle-related problems like plantar fasciitis; chronic injuries that often result from poor foot mechanics (runner's knee, iliotibial-band syndrome)
Not for: Acute nonfoot injuries

Often, physical therapists work with orthopedists to diagnose problems. They most often design rehab programs and prescribe exercises to keep you injury-free.
Best for: Rehabbing known injuries, both acute and chronic
Not for: General health problems (fatigue, anemia, etc.) or if you suspect you have a fracture

Because the medical establishment hasn't always been accepting of this profession, you may be wary of chiropractic care. But many runners go to sports-trained chiropractors. Most will watch you walk or run to identify risk areas that can lead to injuries. Then they'll press on or around joints, which can alleviate pain and strain on surrounding muscles and joints.
Best for: Back pain; injuries that may not be responding to other methods
Not for: Traumatic injuries like fractures or torn ligaments

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