Ten Weight Loss Tips To Kick-Start Your Weight Loss Journey

Dieting isn’t easy. The fact that so much money is spent each year around the world on weight loss products and weight loss tips shows how difficult it can be for the average person to lose weight. However, it doesn’t have to be impossible, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Before giving into any diet fads or expensive supplements, try these ten weight loss tips to kick-start your weight loss journey.

1. Plan Your Meals
Most binges aren’t planned. They occur when you least expect them. One way to battle those difficult cravings is to plan all of your meals out, even your snacks. If that donut at the office isn’t on your plan, you’re less likely to grab it without a second thought.

2. Write Everything Down
Keeping a food journal is a way to take responsibility for what you eat and be accountable to yourself. Forcing yourself to write down “Ice Cream Sundae” will make you less likely to fall prey to fattening cravings.

3. Eat Oatmeal for Breakfast
Oatmeal is packed with nutrients and fiber. Starting off your day with a hearty breakfast like oatmeal will keep those early afternoon hunger pains from kicking in. Just make sure you stick to whole oats rather than instant.

4. Don’t Skip Meals
When you skip a meal or several meals, your body goes into “starvation mode.” This is a killer for your metabolism and weight loss goals. Rather than skipping meals, keep healthy, small snacks close by.

5. Avoid Fried Foods
This one may be obvious, but there are ways to cook food that can quench your desire for fried food but without the fattening consequences. Instead of deep frying chicken tenders, dip them in egg whites, roll them in whole wheat bread crumbs, and pop them in the oven. For a crunch, turn the broiler on for the last few minutes.

6. Don’t Shop Hungry
When you hit the grocery store, make sure you eat a balanced meal or healthy snack before going. Shopping while you’re hungry is the easiest way to end up heading home with unhealthy foods. Also, make sure you stick to your list. This will help your waistline plus your wallet.

7. Sip Green Tea
Aside from the multiple health benefits of green tea, it also is known to lower your appetite and increase your metabolism. Plus, it tastes great and has practically zero calories!

8. Say No to the Freebies
When you go to a restaurant that offers free bread or other apps before your meal, simply ask your server to hold off on bringing out the carb-heavy freebies.

9. Be Aware of “Diet” Foods
Often foods that promote being “fat free” or “low fat” can often be loaded with sugars and sodium, which can be just as damaging to your diet as fat. Instead, stick to natural foods.

10. Ban Junk Food
One of the best ways to avoid binging on junk foods is to not allow it in your house. It’s okay to indulge every once in a while when you go out for special occasions or social engagements. But by not allowing junk food in your home, you can avoid daily binges that can really pile on the pounds.

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