How to Beat Muscle Fatigue in a Few Easy Steps

Do your muscles hurt after exercise? Are you tired all the time? Do you feel weak and fatigued? These symptoms might indicate muscle fatigue. According to the latest studies, these feelings could be all in your head. Most times, stress and anxiety are responsible for physical fatigue. However, this condition may also be triggered by poor nutrition, dehydration, overtraining, lack of sleep, and a buildup of metabolic waste in your muscles. Its exact cause is not known. The good news is that you can beat muscle fatigue by making small lifestyle changes.

Pay Attention to Your Pre-Workout Meal
The magic bullet for muscle fatigue is proper pre-workout nutrition. What you eat before exercising affects the way you will feel later. Your pre-workout meal should consist of protein, complex carbs, and amino acids. Researchers have found that combining amino acids with carbohydrates helps increase protein synthesis and blood flow to the muscles. Chicken, beans, lentils, beef, and eggs are excellent sources of amino acids.

Stay Hydrated
Dehydration leads to muscle soreness and fatigue, electrolyte loss, and poor performance. It may also trigger muscle cramps and aches. If you don’t drink enough water, your muscles won’t be able to perform correctly. To prevent dehydration, keep a bottle of water at hand during your workout.

Get More Rest
Muscle fatigue is often caused by lack of sleep. Many bodybuilders don’t realize the importance of rest in muscle growth and repair. Your muscles heal and recover while you sleep. This happens because growth hormone levels reach peak levels at night. Poor sleep affects every aspect of your life, from physical performance to memory, concentration, digestion, and mood. The best defense to muscle fatigue is a combination of proper nutrition and good rest.

Eat Bananas
Bananas should be a staple in any athlete’s diet. Rich in potassium and magnesium, these fruits help prevent muscle soreness and fatigue. They contain both simple and complex carbs, offering a lasting source of energy. Bananas are a great source of vitamin B6, which relaxes the muscles and prevents them from getting fatigued. For optimal results, eat bananas pre-workout.

Use the Right Supplements
In addition to whey protein, there are many other products that help reduce muscle fatigue. Creatine, l-carnitine, l-ornithine, glutamine, tyrosine, and BCAAs have proven effective in muscle repair.

Glutamine prevents muscle breakdown, boosts immunity, and supports protein synthesis. L-ornithine and arginine increase growth hormone levels. Creatine supplementation leads to improved strength and enhanced muscle size. Branched chain amino acids inhibit the breakdown of muscle cells, improve focus, reduce muscle soreness, and trigger protein synthesis. These supplements can help you recover faster and prevent muscle fatigue after intense training.

Drink More Coffee
Studies indicate that pre-workout caffeine gives you the energy and strength needed to fight through the pain and do more reps. This compound works by reducing perception of exercise induced muscle pain. If you experience muscle fatigue regularly, drink coffee before working out. Not only you’ll have more energy, but also feel less pain and perform better at the gym.

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