Running and Walking On The Treadmill

Not ready to step outside? Treadmills offer a safe, convenient way to get your workouts even when it’s dark, snowy, or dangerously hot out. And the music, the TVs, and the company of other people can make the miles roll by much easier.

Running on a treadmill isn’t exactly like running outside; after all, the belt keeps you on pace even when your energy fades. But it’s a lot more similar to outdoor running than sitting on the couch is. Here are some tips so you can make the most out of your time on the ’mill.

Time it right. Find a gym with hours that fit your schedule. Before you sign up, learn when the busiest times are. If you can, avoid those peak hours; you'll be more likely to find a free treadmill.

Watch your step. While the cushioned surface helps prevent injuries, some people report aches and pains after putting extra time on the ’mill. Be sure to run at a pace you can comfortably sustain. As you tire, lower your speed or the incline.

Just let go. If you can’t keep up with the treadmill without grabbing the handrails, you’re going too fast. Holding onto the handrails can throw off your stride and create a twisting motion, which can lead to injuries.

Step outside…carefully. If you’ve done 100 percent of your workouts on a treadmill, gradually integrate outdoor running into your routine. Too quick a transition can lead to injury. Outside, your calf muscles have to work harder to propel you forward; so do the smaller stabilizer muscles in the joints and ankles. On your first outside run, start with 10 minutes, and add five minutes the next week. Continue to build gradually.

Know your numbers. The “calories burned” readouts on treadmills—and any other exercise machines—are rarely accurate. That’s because treadmills estimate total calories burned rather than the net number—i.e., calories burned solely through exercise, above and beyond what we would have used anyway. Plus, keep in mind that most machines don’t account for body-fat percentage, gender, age, resting heart rate, or whether you’re holding onto the rails. But you don’t have to totally ignore the machine’s stats. Use the calorie readout as a barometer of your progress. If the calorie readout goes up from one session to the next for the same workout, you know you’re getting fitter.

Decipher the pacing info. How fast or slow are you going? Many treadmills show pace as miles-per-hour (MPH). Here’s a cheat sheet so you can find your minutes-per-mile pace, more commonly used by runners.
  • 4.0 mph = 15:00 minutes per mile
  • 4.5 mph = 13:20 minutes per mile
  • 5.0 mph = 12:00 minutes per mile
  • 5.5 mph = 10:55 minutes per mile
  • 6.0 mph = 10:00 minutes per mile
  • 6.5 mph = 9:14 minutes per mile
  • 7.0 mph = 8:34 minutes per mile

Mix it up. In order to build your overall fitness, it’s a good idea to do faster workouts with no incline as well as slower-paced workouts with an incline. The slower uphill workouts build strength, while the faster flat workouts help you develop stamina, endurance, and quick footwork. Adjust both speed and incline during your workout, and you can better simulate the changing terrain of a road run.

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