7 Ways To Simplify Exercise (So You'll Actually Do It!)

Exercise can be very beneficial for you. While you may focus on exercise primarily as a way for you to manage your weight, there are numerous other reasons you should exercise. When you exercise, it boosts your immune system keeping you healthier, improves your mood and helps you to sleep better. These are just a few of the many benefits exercise can provide for you.

If you are busy and have a lot on your plate here are 7 ways to get some exercise into your schedule:

1. Create extra opportunities to walk. Walking is one of the easiest and most beneficial types of exercise. And often times we don’t take advantage of opportunities to walk more throughout the day. Here are a couple of ways to get in some additional walking. When you are at your kids sporting events, walk around the perimeter of the gym, soccer field, or school. When you are getting on the train or going grocery shopping, park further away then you need to. Those extra steps will add up.

2. Invest in a fitness tool. There are numerous fitness apps and devices which can help you track your steps, sleep, and activity. If you don’t want to invest in a personal trainer, these tools can help you track your fitness activities, manage your sleep more effectively, and send subtle reminders when you are inactive for too long. Some of these include Fitbit, Jawbone, Misfit Ray, Garmin as well as other products. Do your research and find one which help you manage your fitness regimen.

3. Take the stairs. In many buildings, there are generally stairways. Take advantage of the stairs to help you get in more exercise. Taking the steps as opposed to the elevator is a way to add some extra activity into your day, get your heart rate going, and boost your energy.

4. Use your cell phone differently. When you use your phone, get a headset or Bluetooth. This will give you the ability to move around, stand up or walk while you are on the phone. This again gives you a chance to be active versus sedentary. Movement equals exercise.

5. Just stretch. Stretching helps with digestion, strengthening and flexibility. If you are in a job where you have long hours of sitting, try to take at least 5-10 minutes each hour to get up and stretch. Stretch your arms over your head. Bend over and touch your toes. Squat down as far as you can. All of these small movements keep your body looser and more limber.

6. Do the easy push-up. If you are unable to do a regular or modified push-up, here is an easier way to do a push-up. This exercise is a great way to work both your chest and your arms. Place your palms on the edge of a table and make sure your elbows are straightened. Bend your body until you are in a downward position. Your elbows will also be at a 90 degree angle. Bend your body until your chest touches the table. You can even do this while you are preparing a meal. Try to do 1- 2 sets of 10 repetitions of this exercise.

7. Combine cardio and boost your heart rate at the same time with jumping jacks. Try to do 5-10 minutes of jumping jacks. This is a great exercise which works all part of your body and is fun as well. Jumping jacks also can help you burn lots of calories in a short period of time.

Exercise doesn’t have to be hard. Taking time to incorporate exercise as a part of your daily activity can help you have many health and mental benefits. If you exercise regularly, you will realize that these little things will add up and keep you on track to remain healthier for the long term.

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