One Thing You Can Change to Start Adapting Today Is Your Diet

A good diet isn't rocket science. In order to change you have to understand and get real about how the food and drinks you consume are affecting you.

After a meal how long do you last before you get hungry again, or before you want to go to sleep and automatically reach for more coffee?

Do you eat when you're not hungry? Just because the clock says it's time to eat. Do you automatically accept the supersize because it's offered for a few cents and It's such good value?

You have to protect yourself from this rubbish or you are just killing yourself, you can see through this, you always have unless you have an IQ of 2, you know what is good for you and what is bad.

If it's full of junk fats and junk carbs then how on earth do you expect to have good energy, let alone healthy skin and a liver that isn't running the surrender flag up the flag pole. Drink more water and less sweet drinks and coffee.

Coffee doesn't give you energy, water does. Your body is 70% water not coffee or energy drinks. Caffeine gives a false sense of being alert without the boosted brain function or co-ordination to match it. Caffeine stresses your liver and your adrenals. Two cups a day confers healthy benefits, but more just doesn't work for you.

Look for ways to eat more vegetables. Only 10% of people eat enough vegetables, eating more isn't hard. Green smoothies are easy to buy or make. Order vegetables with your meat instead of fries, have vegetable soup, decide to eat more and then do it.

Have 2 pieces of fruit each day, and no more, fruit is healthy but full of sugar. Avoid those giant take away fruit juices, they are a meal in themselves and they will spike your insulin through the roof then bring your blood sugar crashing through the floor leaving you hungry, tired and reaching for a coffee.

Eat good fats such as lean meats, olive oil and avocados & leave out fat creating carbohydrates like pasta, rice, bread and potatoes.

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