10 Reasons You Should Do The Color Run

We all know that running delivers a boost of feel-good endorphins, but The Color Run™ amplifies those happiness-inducing chemicals ten-fold. Here are 10 reasons why The Color Run should be on your "must-run" list.

1. It's Not Timed
Check your watch at the door and leave pacing worries behind while you soak in the event. Sure, we all love scoring a new PR, but sometimes it's best to just run for the fun of it. With no pressure to hit a specific time, you'll be reminded of why you fell in love with running in the first place.

2. Group-Friendly
Ever run a race with friends only to struggle to stay close to each other the entire way? Between flailing elbows, dodging slower-paced runners and constantly listening for, "On your left!," it can be hard to stick together. Not at The Color Run. Without the element of timing and a chill approach from the start, this race is perfect to experience with friends.

3. Great Swag
Let's face it: Nothing tops off a great event like awesome swag. And The Color Run doesn't disappoint in this category. Runners score an awesome T-shirt, finisher's medal, colorful sweatband to rock like it's 1985 and color packets to throw on friends. Nothing like a good color-throwing party to turn up the fun.

4. Sparkle Zone
This doesn't really need much explanation. In a world full of neutrals, it's fun to not only let your colors shine, but to sparkle while doing it. The 2015 Shine Tour still features The Color Run's traditional color-throwing stations where runners are covered in brightly hued powder, but also includes a final station with glitter. Finish the event literally glistening, bringing new meaning to the statement, "I don't sweat, I sparkle."

5. Channel Your Inner Tutu-Loving Self
Don't fight your need to wear a tutu any longer. Put on your best tulle skirt and get ready to run. And you won't be the only one—prepare to run in a sea of tutus. Participants should wear as much white as possible, but expect to finish looking like a rainbow.

6. Happiest 5K on the Planet
Dubbed the Happiest 5K on the Planet, The Color Run can turn any frown upside down. With a pre- and post-race dance party, running through color-throwing stations and plenty of photo opps with friends, it's nearly impossible to be in a bad mood at this event.

7. Make a Fashion Statement
Katy Perry isn't the only one who can rock colored hair with confidence. While the cornstarch powder washes out post-run, fashionistas can take the opportunity to see themselves with a Perry-inspired do. The temporary color helps runners stay on trend and makes good on the old adage, "Try it before you buy it."

8. Practice your Selfie Skills
The Color Run is the perfect place to practice your selfie skills while documenting the day. Don't forget to bring your camera (or smartphone) to snap pics of you and your friends covered in color. Before and after shots can accurately depict your journey from clean to colorful. After all, don't we all sometimes run for the Instagram?

9. Run for Charity
What's better than running for fun with your friends? Running for fun with your friends AND helping others while doing it. Because The Color Run organization feels strongly about giving back to communities, they raise money to give to local and national charities each year. With over $4 million donated to date, this is an event you can feel good about running.

10. Two Words: After Party
As if running isn't enough, the founders of The Color Run wanted to top off the event by hosting a dance party for runners to boogie down after the finish line. Round out the day by hanging around for the Finish Festival, complete with jammin' music and more color-throwing fun.

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